let me start like this ,
but the 1st fish was cooked at the secound day.
my mum was scare of the fish no idea why.
than the next few days the bigger 2nd fish been cut off by my mum haha she say she scare the fish move so let it don't move 1st only cook it.
than one the week lately i saw this giant spider at my house...
so damn big @@
so i took a picture lo
nothings much lo than on the week went to TOA collage ask for the register stuff lo Y.Y...
than last week so happy i was thought i get linkin park new album but end up some people upload a "LINKIN PRANK" album haha doens sound like LINKIN PARK
so i went to have a D-check i found out thier album come out at MAY ....
so sad ...
yesterday morning 9 oc Haur waked me up ask me wanna breakfast anot so i was given a YES to him but end up my sis need me fetch him to KLIA so i went to pick up Haur than rush all the way to puchong to fetch my sis bf lo ... i was thought i was driving but haiz nothings to say la ... than they reach there about 11 30 me and haur was stunned and we have a small gathering at prymid for the sushi fest with Caryn and friends so me and Haur was rusing back to Haur house and wait haur bath than khaikai called us say he aredy reach station @@ i can't use my car so need Khaikai fetch me ... so after Haur finish bath we went to KelanaJaya station find khaikai and called khaikai follow me go back to my house beacause i need to bath lo haha so Khaikai and Haur waited 10 min at my door than we make a move to prymid.
went we reach ther about 1 10+ khaikai was looking for parking lo , damned that day was alot of car Khaikai been turning around and looking for car park at last 15 min later we found our car park haha was so happy.Than walk into prymid that time saw jarryl at KimGary haha so just drop a hi and went to sushi find Gurl lo she was MIAed at first @@ no idea where she go so we were looking around ... before we found Gurl caryn and jack came haha than Gurl show up at sushi entrance there ....than sam dai kor came with a suprize was so damn happy i get my 1st present at my life i had told my friends that but the seem doens't believe , every year i celebrate with cake and food only doens't have any present lo but i'm happy lo. Sam tai kor and Caryn brought me a Tshirt that with green colour i love that haha and here is the picture
today nothings much loo help my bro lo as my father too busy with his site that got a small problem @@ ... and yet i forget yesterday when i was in the gathering my eye was blink funny, end up i come home that time my mum tell me that there is bad news my mum car side window been smatch de lo and lost a sum of money haiz money is not the problem the forbia of the fearless is the problem ... she quite ok now haha i'm glad to see that .
i really thank to SamTaiKor and Caryn lo
Thanks for the present lo haha i like it very much haha.
only things that make my tear drop it was just slidly a moment
of my brother told me some history about my father,
and end up i only know what happend ,>
I believe sometimes my tone was high to my family.
I believe sometimes i damn lazy end up get scold than bo song.
I believe sometimes i don't know what is going on with me.
I believe sometimes i doens't go home and eat dinner,i'm really sorry about that.
I believe i can't pay back much as i use now to my father and my mum, my bro told me.
I believe that my brother was right at what he told me.
I believe that my father are starting to get some sick or pain soon but i hope it doen't happend, so i can pay back what he has trowed so manny heart into me.
I believe that me my self are a success person, i'm not hope i just wanna be.
I believe that sometimes i'm selfish, but now on i won't be that just let me change.
I believe sometimes i like to talk to my self but this is a good way to expend my self more clear.
I just want to faster finish my education and start earning money and pay back for my mum and my father , i believe that my brother was right . he told me that and my tear was droping from no where .
went to a silent crying at my old place.
and think slowly.
things just change like that.