Saturday, July 17, 2010

People are acting weird !

sometimes i feel very sad about my life, all my friends that so called friends actually use me , and i already fed up with this kind of attitude, well well i must stop thinking about it because it's not going to change anything if i'm angry or anything else. Well i just get my another internet line done and i'm waiting for the mini laptop to send over now , it works pretty well on the line and i think it's good .

I always learn things from life , if you drink beer you started to look around you and you see sometime you were just begin lucky , well i was thought to do something like this, if you not happy just go to the pub had a cold beer or a jar or 2 and sit down and talk to yourself tell yourself you are as lucky then those people around , at first i don't think it really works after a drunk night , i sit at the door and look at the dark sky , and i start to tell myself
why is that the star so beautiful today? i ask ,and i reply myself because it's always there just that you don't see .wow such as interesting fact i told myself.

I started to hate everything again , people around me , they love to talk about shit that can't be change , which i hate most of the time , they said the high way road is suck they should have another road , so i ask so in order to make it better which road do you think you need to have an extra road for the high way , you know what there's no answer from the one who condemn that only make things worst.I've learn if you want to condemn you got to have a solution for yourself not just telling people that's the problem and you can't really fix it , it's wasted of time to bring out such a topic with no ending.

Well life it's just being boring nowadays , there's like no direction in front , there's no hope line i saw .People around me they only care about themselves which i already found it out myself , i no longer need shadow to wait me anymore because i know my shadow is pickup very fast with me , lol what the hell i'm talking ... just don't care about that just something i want to said.

Things that i think is correct and do it's like very wrong to do , i got that kind of feeling i i just don't know why and what happen , going to RNH apprentice program i should be happy but now i'm worry about alot of shit such as india there this and that ... argggg just drop that shit ,i'm telling myself

This is something i digital painting it out thanks to roberto.freire to give me this permission to colour his works i just love this to be colour !!!!