Friday, May 16, 2008

THE 100 POST ....

Acarophobia -- fear of skin infestation by mites or ticks
Acousticophobia -- fear of noise
Acrophobia -- fear of heights
Aerophobia -- fear of flying
Agoraphobia -- fear of open spaces
Ailurophobia -- fear of cats
Algophobia -- fear of pain
Amaxophobia -- fear of riding in a vehicles
Androphobia -- fear of men
Anginophobia -- fear of sore throat
Anthropophobia -- fear of people, especially in groups
Apiphobia -- intense fear of bees
Arachnophobia -- fear of spiders
Astraphobia -- fear of lightning
Atelophobia -- fear of imperfection
Automysophobia -- fear or dislike of being dirty
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself
Bacteriophobia -- fear of bacteria
Bathophobia -- fear of bathing
Batophobia -- fear of passing high buildings
Batrachophobia -- fear of frogs and toads
Belonephobia -- fear of pins and needles
Blennophobia -- fear of slime
Bogyphobia -- dread of demons and goblins
Bromidrosiphobia -- fear of having unpleasant body odor
Brontophobia -- fear of thunder and thunderstorms
Carcinophobia -- fear of cancer
Cardiophobia -- fear of heart disease
Cenophobia -- fear of open spaces
Cheimaphobia -- fear or dislike of cold
Chrometophobia -- fear or dislike of money
Cibophobia -- fear of food
Claustrophobia -- fear of enclosed spaces
Cnidophobia -- insect stings
Coitophobia -- fear of sexual intercourse
Coprophobia -- fear of excrement/feces
Cyberphobia -- fear of computers
Cymophobia -- fear of waves
Cynophobia -- dread of dogs
Cypridophobia -- fear of venereal disease
Demonophobia -- fear of spirits, demons
Demophobia -- dislike of crowds
Dermatophobia -- fear of skin disease
Dipsophobia -- fear of drinking
Domatophobia -- fear of being in a house
Doraphobia -- fear of contact with animal fur or skin
Dysmorphophobia -- fear of deformity
Ecophobia -- fear of home surroundings
Eleutherophobia -- fear of freedom
Elurophobia -- fear of cats
Emetophobia -- fear of vomiting
Enetophobia -- fear of needles or pins
Entomophobia -- fear of insects
Ergophobia -- fear of work
Erotophobia -- fear of sexual feelings and their physical expression
Gamophobia -- fear or dislike of marriage
Gephyrophobia -- fear of crossing a bridge
Gerascophobia -- fear of growing old
Glossophobia -- fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
Graphophobia -- dislike of writing
Gymnophobia -- fear of nudity
Gynophobia -- fear of women
Hadeophobia -- fear of hell
Hagiophobia -- dislike for saints and the holy
Hamartophobia -- fear of error or sin
Haptophobia -- fear of touch
Harpaxophobia -- fear of robbers
Hedonophobia -- fear of pleasure
Hemaphobia -- fear of the sight of blood
Herpetophobia -- fear of reptiles
Hierophobia -- fear or dislike of sacred objects, fear of priests
Hippophobia -- fear or horses
Hodophobia -- fear or dislike of travel
Homophobia -- fear of homosexuality (same-sex affection)
Hydrophobia -- fear of water
Hydrophophobia -- fear of rabies
Hygrophobia -- fear of liquids
Hypnophobia -- fear of sleep
Iatrophobia -- fear of doctors
Ichthyophobia -- fear of fish
Iophobia -- fear of poisons
Kakorrhaphiophobia -- fear of failure or defeat
Katagelophobia -- fear of ridicule
Keraunophobia-- fear of thunder and lightning
Kinetophobia -- fear or dislike of motion
Kleptophobia --fear of thievery
Kopophobia -- fear of mental or physical examination
Laliophobia -- fear of talking
Linonophobia -- fear of string
Mechanophobia -- fear of machinery
Merinthophobia -- fear of being bound
Microphobia -- fear of germs
Misanthropy -- a hatred of mankind in general
Misophobia -- fear of dirt
Molysomophobia -- fear of infection
Musophobia -- fear of mice
Myxophobia -- fear of slime
Necrophobia -- fear of death or corpses
Neophobia -- fear of new things
Noctiphobia -- fear of the night
Nosophobia -- fear of contracting a disease
Nudophobia -- fear of nudity
Nychtophobia-- fear of darkness
Obesophobia -- fear of gaining weight
Ochlophobia -- fear of crowds
Ochophobia -- fear of vehicles
Odontophobia -- fear of teeth
Odynophobia -- fear of pain
Ombrophobia -- fear of rain
Ophidiophobia -- fear of snakes
Panphobia -- a nonspecific fear of everything
Paraphobia -- fear of sexual perversion
Parasitophobia -- fear of parasites
Pathophobia -- fear of disease
Peccatiphobia -- fear of sinning
Pedophobia -- fear of children
Peladophobia -- dread of baldness
Peniaphobia -- fear of poverty
Phagophobia -- fear of eating
Pharmacophobia -- fear of drugs
Phasmophobia -- fear of ghosts
Phenogophobia -- fear of daylight
Phobophobia -- fear of fear itself
Phonophobia -- fear or dislike of noise
Photophobia -- fear of light
Phonemophobia -- fear of thinking
Pnigophobia-- fear of choking or smothering
Poinephobia -- fear of punishment
Psychophobia -- fear of the cold
Pyrexiophobia -- fear of fever
Rhabdophobia -- fear of being beaten
Rhypophobia -- fear of filth
Sciophobia -- fear of shadows
Scoleciphobia -- fear of worms
Scopophobia -- fear of being looked at
Scotophobia -- fear of the dark
Socialphobia -- fear of people or crowds
Tachophobia -- fear of speed
Taphephobia -- fear of being buried alive
Telephonophobia -- fear of the telephone
Theophobia -- fear of God
Thanatophobia -- fear of death
Tocophobia -- fear of childbirth
Tomophobia -- fear of surgical operations
Topophobia -- fear of certain places
Toxiphobia -- fear of being poisoned
Trichophobia -- fear of hair
Urophobia -- fear of urine
Vaccinophobia -- fear of vaccines and vaccination
Venereophobia -- fear of venereal disease
Venustraphobia -- fear of beautiful women
Verminophobia -- fear of germs
Vermiphobia -- fear of worms
Xenophobia -- fear of foreigners and strangers
Zoophobia -- fear of animals


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